Introduction to archaeology for construction engineers

Descrizione del corso

An introduction, aimed at construction engineers, to what archaeological practice is and how it is undertaken. The course explores how archaeological sites in different contexts can be impacted upon by development and what the archaeological processes of investigation that can be used. The course also reviews the processes of archaeological project completion, including risk management, and presents a series of international case studies.

This is a self-paced learning from didactic material available online on website. There is neither control and tracking on training activity nor human support for learners.

Estimated time for completion of the work with the interactive e-learning course is ca. 2-3 hours.



Course structure

Introduction to archaeology for construction engineers
Archaeology and its legal and organizational framework
Archaeological sites in landscape
Archaeological process
Archaeological project completion
Archaeological case studies
Case Study: Engineering Amsterdam Subway
Ente gestore Adam Mickiewicz University
Modalità di erogazione Open access online course
Destinatari Engineers and other profesionals interacting with archaeological heritage
Livello di difficoltà Basilare
Lingua Inglese
Autori Course: Kenneth Aitchison, David Dibb-Fuller, Cuneyt Dilsiz, Altan Dizdar, Kate Geary, Anthony Harding, Sidsel Jerkoe, Inger Karlberg, S. Gumrah Kosgeroglu, Cem Koc, Arek Marciniak, Andrzej Minasowicz, Paul Nowak, Elif Ozer, Bilal Sogut, Selcuk Toprak & Gerry Wait. Case study: Heleen van Londen
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