Strategies for sustainable archaeology

Descrição do curso

The course will provide the methodological tools to elaborate sustainable strategies for the management of archaeological heritage. Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, InEuropa and its experts will offer a path to analyse issues related to sustainability, accessibility and eco-compatibility that affect the strategies for the management of cultural heritage with a focus on archaeological heritage, drawing from a very rich pool of international best practices and case studies. In particular the course will aim: - To support the development of sustainable strategies for the management of archaeological heritage in relation to landscape - To favour the understanding of the importance of preventive archaeology and the charters of the archaeological potential - To allow young professions to know international case studies and best practices.


Graduates or students that attend the last university year of sector courses (cultural domain) that have gained professional experience. Basic knowledge of English is required.

Quem oferece
Modo de formação Scheduled online course
Grupo alvo Young professionals or students that have gained some professional experience in the field of archaeological heritage conservation.
Grau de Dificuldade Intermédio
Preço Gratuito
Autores Heleen van Londen, Marjo Schlaman, Andrea Travaglia, Kenneth Aitchison, Doug Rocks-Macqueen, Ben Lewis, Arkadiusz Marciniak, Kornelia Kajda, Luca Baraldi, Lieske de Wilde, Marcial Felgueiras, Miriam Cubas, Mikel Edeso, Barbara Grazzini, Lara Natalini, Francesco Fulvi, Filippo Olari