Zarządzanie dziedzictwem kulturowym dla osób zarządzających dziedzictwem naturalnym

Opis szkolenia

This learning module aims to introduce briefly the concept of cultural heritage, its’ different areas of expertise and the different strategies in its management. The module also presents the European framework for the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage.

The Palm Grove of Elche is a very clear example of how a natural element can become a prominent characteristic of a nation’s heritage.

The case study Cilento and Valle di Diano National Park and the Archaeological Sites of Paestum and Velia and the Certosa di Padula contains a description of how a National Park’s core mission of the preservation of archaeological sites shifted its attention towards the protection and conservation of natural and environmental heritage that progressively assumed growing importance.

The Natural heritage overpowering cultural heritage - the case of Fortified Front Oder-Warthe-Bogen in Poland case study presents how lack of cooperation bewteen cultural heritage specialists and natural heritage professionals influences the way of preservation and conservation of natural and cultural values. Taking into account 20th-century military site, the case study discusses the negative consequences of the conflict between historians and biologists for the heritage itself.

The Sintra case study aims to show how nature conservation has to consider cultural heritage in the landscape. Sintra had to work towards an integral strategy in which both natural and cultural heritage were considered.

The Managing found archaeological remains - the Treasure Act and Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) case study discusses the legislative background for the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) in the UK, and presents several examples of its implementation, successes and controversies.

The IJsselmeerpolders case study is an example of how archaeology can be non-visible and what this means for cultural heritage preservation and protection, as well as how this is to be managed at different levels of policy and legislature.


Zarządzanie dziedzictwem kulturowym dla osób zarządzających dziedzictwem naturalnym

Zarządzanie dziedzictwem kulturowym dla osób zarządzających dziedzictwem naturalnym
Studium przypadku: Gaj palmowy w Elx
Studium przypadku: Park Narodowy Cilento i Vallo di Diano oraz stanowiska archeologiczne Paestum, Velia i Certosa di Padula
Studium przypadku: Dziedzictwo naturalne zyskuje przewagę nad dziedzictwem kulturowym – na przykładzie Umocnionego Łuku Odry i Warty
Studium przypadku: Sintra
Studium przypadku: Zarządzanie odnalezionymi pozostałościami archeologicznymi - ustawa Treasure Act i program ochrony zabytków ruchomych (Portable Antiquities Scheme - PAS)
Studium przypadku: IJsselmeerpolders
Dostawca UAM
Tryb szkolenia Open access online course
Grupa docelowa Archaeological professionals and students of archaeology
Trudność Średnio zaawansowany
Język Angielski
Autorzy Doug Rocks-Mcqueen, Kenneth Aitchison, Miriam Cubas, Mikel Edeso, Barbara Grazzini, Lara Natalini, Kornelia Kajda, Marcial Felgueiras, Lieske de Wilde, Ben Lewis, Heleen van Londen, Marjo Schlaman, Andrea Travaglia
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