Ochrona przyrody dla specjalistów w zakresie dziedzictwa kulturowego

Opis szkolenia

This module introduces the key concepts of nature conservation for cultural heritage experts, exploring the history of nature conservation, its legal frameworks, and how it affects cultural heritage management.

The Basque Coast Geopark is the first in both the Basque Country and the whole of the Cantabrian coast, and was created to implement UGG ideas in the towns of Zumaia, Deba and Mutriku.

The Lack of cooperation between cultural heritage managers and natural scientists – a case-study from Radom in Poland case study presents how lack of communication and cooperation between archaeologists and natural heritage specialists may result in devastating the natural heritage site. The habitat of Cucujus cinnaberinus which was located on the archaeological site was damaged due to the one-sided decision of cultural heritage professionals.

The Ria de Alvor, Algarve case study gives an example of successful nature conservation in an area where there are interesting archaeological records which combined with nature conservation, can lead to a stronger protection of both values for the area.

The conservation of the British Isles native bat species is a widely accepted matter of importance, however this conservation objective can come into conflict with the various uses for churches, historic buildings, and the culturally significant artefacts they may house.

The From no man’s land to a National Park - The Oostvaardersplassen case study is an example of how nature can be created ‘by accident’, how nature can grow into ‘wilderness’ and in the long term (once managed), requires protection and organisation to serve as national heritage.


Ochrona przyrody dla specjalistów w zakresie dziedzictwa kulturowego

Ochrona przyrody dla specjalistów w zakresie dziedzictwa kulturowego
Studium przypadku: GEOPARKEA. Integracja dziedzictwa naturalnego i kulturowego
Studium przypadku: Park Naturalny Dolomitów rejonu Belluno
Studium przypadku: Brak współpracy pomiędzy zarządzającymi dziedzictwem kulturowym a naukowcami zajmującymi się naukami przyrodniczymi – studium przypadku z Radomia w Polsce
Studium przypadku: Ria de Alvor, Algarve
Studium przypadku: Zarządzania dziedzictwem naturalnym dla specjalistów w dziedzinie dziedzictwa kulturowego
Studium przypadku: Od ziemi niczyjej do parku narodowego - Oostvaardersplassen
Dostawca UAM
Tryb szkolenia Open access online course
Grupa docelowa Archaeological professionals and students of archaeology
Trudność Średnio zaawansowany
Język Angielski
Autorzy Doug Rocks-Macqueen Lieske de Wilde, Miriam Cubas, Mikel Edeso, Nagore Zaldua, Barbara Grazzini, Lara Natalini, Kornelia Kajda, Marcial Felgueiras, Ben Lewis, Heleen van Londen, Marjo Schlaman, Andrea Travaglia
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