Strategie dziedzictwa, co, dlaczego, gdzie jak, przez kogo i dla kogo?

Opis szkolenia

This learning module aims to introduce the concept of heritage and the international Conventions that have established a path to its proper management in the European context. To achieve this, how different strategies developed are presented, the historical reasoning behind their implementation, the social framework in which they have been developed, the different mechanisms involved and the long-term objectives of this development.

The concept of cultural heritage in the Spanish legislation case study reviews the history of cultural heritage as a concept in the Spanish legislation and its dynamic development over the past two centuries.

The Muskau Bend Landscape Park: strategies of linking and promotion of natural and cultural heritage case study presents the ways in which strategies concerning preservation and popularization of cultural and natural heritage may be combined. The Muskau Bend Landscape Park is the UNESCO site located on the border of Poland and Germany, in this case-study we show how both countries try to use the Park's values to contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

The Vale de Côa, outdoor rock art case study in which the discovery of cultural heritage led to the protection of both the cultural and natural heritage in an integrated way.

This case study illustrates how three heritage strategies have been prepared for Scotland’s historic environment during the period from 2012-2015. The purpose of this case study is to show how political and professional objectives are taken into consideration in the preparation and delivery of such strategies.

In the Wadden Sea region both natural and cultural heritage sectors find management strategies to deal with external factors caused by climate change, economic development and the tourism industry.


Strategie dziedzictwa, co, dlaczego, gdzie jak, przez kogo i dla kogo?

Strategie dziedzictwa, co, dlaczego, gdzie jak, przez kogo i dla kogo?
Studium przypadku: Koncepcja „dziedzictwa kulturowego“ w ustawodawstwie hiszpańskim
Studium przypadku: Archeostorie
Studium przypadku: Park Krajobrazowy „Łuk Mużakowa“: strategie łączenia i promocji dziedzictwa naturalnego i kulturowego
Studium przypadku: Vale de Côa, dzieła sztuki naskalnej
Studium przypadku: Strategie dziedzictwa w Szkocji
Studium przypadku: Zarządzanie Morzem Wattowym jako obiektem dziedzictwa
Dostawca UAM
Tryb szkolenia Open access online course
Grupa docelowa Archaeological professionals and students of archaeology
Trudność Średnio zaawansowany
Język Angielski
Autorzy Luca Baraldi, Miriam Cubas, Mikel Edeso, Giulia-Letizia Spezzani, Lara Natalini, Kornelia Kajda, Lieske de Wilde, Kenneth Aitchison, Heleen van Londen, Marjo Schlaman, Andrea Travaglia
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