The school of the past. Archaeological heritage for teachers

Descripción del curso

This training is set for teachers of primary and secondary schools. It aims to present a systematic overview of major issues related to archaeological heritage that may be useful in school eduction. In particular, it discusses means of presenting the past and its presence in the public discourse.

The course will be provided online with no traditional in-class meetings with teacher. It will involve individual work with interactive e-learning modules, collabarative activities via fora and wiki as well as online tutoring.

The course will be carried out when the required number of trainees is registered.


Basic knowledge about history of Europe and understanding of the public domain

The school of the past. Archaeological heritage for teachers

Course structure
Wstęp do zagadnień związanych z dziedzictwem i materiałem archeologicznym
Przedstawianie dziedzictwa archeologicznego we współczesnej kulturze
Dziedzictwo archeologiczne w kontekście społecznym i edukacyjnym
Proveedor Adam Mickiewicz University
Tipo de curso Scheduled online course
Alumnos objetivo Teachers of primary and secondary schools
Dificultad Intermedio
Idioma Polaco
Autores Hakan Karlsson, Anders Gustafsson, Monique van den Dries, Kenneth Aitchison, Arkadiusz Marciniak
HEP Polska Helpdesk