Downloading content from the repository
Introduction to downloading e-learning content
Any logged-in user may download content in the form of SCORM packages. He or she can download any component with Download Permission granted to it. The system makes it possible to download only components annotated as Processable Units. It means that the complexity of the content ready-to-download is determined by the taxonomy of didactic interpretations of content components used in the repository while creating processable units. If UCTS-derived nomenclature is used it will be possible to download such content structures as Curricula, Modules or Units.
The important functionality of the Content Repository tool is the possibility to determine the number of SCORM packages to be downloaded for the Processable Unit chosen by the user. It is therefore possible to download one SCORM package with the complete content available in the Processable Unit or one can download numerous SCORM packages containing the content divided into smaller parts. This ability of the system is very practical because it facilitates the delivery of the content to the trainees through Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard, Edumatic or Moodle. In particular, it helps to control the size of SCORM packages. Those excessively large are difficult to process thus their division into smaller parts is useful. Besides, a range of logistic factors (e.g. training schedule) may require splitting up the didactic content into smaller packages when the whole materials can not be delivered to the trainees at the same time.