Browsing repository

Introduction to browsing a repository

The Content Repository tool provides the Browse Repository view which allows to retrieve the content published in the repository. While browsing, the user decides what information about the content should be presented ( Columns tab). It is possible to present two following types of content properties:

  • Repository properties,
  • Metadata descriptions.

Repository properties refer to basic information about the content, such as:

  • Element title,
  • Owner of the element,
  • Didactic interpretations (e.g. UCTS),
  • SCORM type.

Metadata description properties refer to IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) which can be set to content components. These are used to describe the content using such characteristics as:

  • General description,
  • Educational difficulty,
  • Age range,
  • Interactivity level,
  • Copyright information.

While browsing repository it is possible to set basic filters ( Filter tab) enabling the user to:

  • indicate which type of Processable Units should be retrieved eg., if UCTS-derived nomenclature is used, it is possible to select values such as Curriculum, Module, Unit,
  • indicate the type of SCORM components which are to be shown (course, block, Asset, Resource, File).

These filters allow the user to determine the level of granularity of presented content while browsing the repository.

Browsing repository with filters set on in the Filter tab

Setting in Columns tab what information should be presented while browsing